A. Rotem Gazit posted the following answer to the news group
The .pad file is automatically generated by the Xilinx PAR tool.
I prefer to generate my capture symbols manually, here is how it
done (I posted this method to this group about 4 month ago)
"I use the following technique to generate Orcad symbols for large
download the device pinout table from
Alternatively you can use:
> partgen -v YOURDEVICE
Don't count on the printed data sheet it sometimes
contains errors
(for example I found an error on 405ebg560 data sheet
pinout table ).
Read the pinout text file into your favorite spreadsheet
SW (I use
Microsoft excel).
You now have to decide how do you want your symbol
to look like.
For parts with more than 100 I/Os I suggest to use
symbols" ( It means that you have more than
one symbol for the SAME
I usually use 6 symbols: one for power , one
for configuration and
one for every two I/O banks (including the GCLK and
the VCCO ).
You need to arrange the spreadsheet in groups correlated
to the number
of symbols you need ( I use "Sort By" -> "bank number"
and than by
"pin type").
Here is the trick:
In Capture select "New Part", Place -> "Pin Array"
and draw as many
pins as you need.
Now, select all the pins and than press Ctrl+E. You
get a little
spreadsheet with the pins names and numbers.
select all the spreadsheet and press Ctrl+Insert.
Switch to the Excel
and paste the data in an empty sheet.
Copy the real pin names from the Original sheet you
created and paste
them instead of the automatic pin names.
Mark the new data , switch back to Capture and press
Repeat step (3) for each of the heterogeneous
I used that technique many times on Windows , I don't know if it
be done in other OS.
It takes no more than 30 min. to create a new Symbol for a > 400