Lifted and edited
from the article archive. Article author is Ray Andraka.
Additional code
from Ray, not posted to the news group.
You need to initialize these twice. Once
with a generic for the
simulation, and once with an INIT= attribute
for the back end tools.
The generic has to be ignored during synthesis,
which means it must be
surrounded by translate_off/on pragmas.
Note that the format for the
generic is different than that for the attribute.
In the example
below, itoh is an integer to hex string conversion,
and int2bit_vec is
an integer to bit_vector conversion. These
are used to get the
correct formats for the two init strings.
attribute INIT of U1 : label is itoh(lut_init);
--INIT= attribute to pass to PAR through synplicity
U1: SRL16E
--synthesis translate_off
generic map (
-- init generic is for simulation model, not seen by Synplicity or PAR
=> int2bit_vec(lut_init,16))
--synthesis translate_on
port map (
Q => y,
A0 => tap(0),
A1 => tap(1),
A2 => tap(2),
A3 => tap(3),
D => ldi(i),
CLK => clk,
CE => we );
-- convert 16 bit integer to 4 digit ascii hex string
-- for INIT= attribute for PAR
function itoh (val:natural) return string is
type hex_lut is
array (0 to 15) of character;-- string (1 to 1);
constant hextable:hex_lut
('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A',
'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F');
variable temp:
variable ret_string:
string (4 downto 1);
for i in 1 to 4 loop
ret_string(i) := hextable(temp mod 16);
temp:= temp/16;
end loop;
return ret_string;
end itoh;
-- convert integer to bit vector for INIT attribute simulations
function int2bit_vec(A: integer; SIZE: integer) return BIT_VECTOR
variable RESULT:
BIT_VECTOR(SIZE-1 downto 0);
variable TMP:
for i in 0 to SIZE-1 loop
if TMP mod 2 = 1 then RESULT(i):='1';
else RESULT(i):='0';
end if;
TMP:=TMP / 2;
end loop;
return RESULT;
end int2bit_vec;