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Messages from 87775

Article: 87775
Subject: Re: Best Practices to Manage Complexity in Hardward/Software Design?
From: "scott frye" <>
Date: 1 Aug 2005 05:06:50 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
"Randy Yates" <> wrote in message
> writes:
> >> 4. Design from the top down. That is, begin the design decomposition
> >> at the top level and then iteratively break the higher level blocks
> >> into lower level blocks. AKA hierarchical design.
> >
> > ...
> >
> >> 5. Implement from the bottom up.
> >
> > Why implement from the bottom up?
> Because part of the implementation usually includes "unit" testing, or
> testing of the pieces, and you must begin such testing with the
> smallest pieces possible. Then, when the "foundation" is implemented,
> you can begin assembling the foundational pieces into small
> subsystems, test those, then piece those together, test those, etc.,
> until you have the entire system.

Is there any other reason besides "to support unit testing" to
implement from the bottom up?  I was wondering if the people that have
problems with TDD might be the people that are used to implementing
form the top down.

I have always coded from the top down.  I make a user interface, then
start figuring out how what is needed to support the user interface.  I
add stub classes with comments like "UNDONE" or "TODO".  When I can
search my entire project and I don't find any of these comments, then
I'm done.
Of course this method has made adopting TDD very diffucult for me.

Does anyone else prefer top down to bottom up development?  and has
that hindered your adoption of TDD?

Article: 87776
Subject: Re: Best Practices to Manage Complexity in Hardward/Software Design?
From: "scott frye" <>
Date: 1 Aug 2005 05:08:43 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

"Peter K." <> wrote in message
> In software, you can start off implementation at a high-level of
> abstraction and just "stub-out" the detail until you're ready to deal
> with it.  When I start implementing software, I don't (necessarily)
> start implementing a function... I first figure out what modules /
> classes / components need to be there  and instantiate them.  Then I
> figure out what external interfaces those classes need to present to
> each other. Etc. etc.

Do you find that this impairs your ability to apply unit tests,
specifically as TDD?

-Scott Frye

Article: 87777
Subject: Re: Best Practices to Manage Complexity in Hardward/Software Design?
From: Steve Underwood <>
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 20:20:14 +0800
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
scott frye wrote:
> Is there any other reason besides "to support unit testing" to
> implement from the bottom up?  I was wondering if the people that have
> problems with TDD might be the people that are used to implementing
> form the top down.

Yep. Top down design often produces a module split which looks great at 
first sight, but doesn't play out too well in practice. It might be 
clumsy to implement, or it might produce inefficient results. Also top 
down often produces a split which doesn't match well with existing code, 
and inhibits reuse of that code. Implementing bottom up makes you aware 
of these issues at an early stage, while reworking the top down design 
is still a fairly lightweight task.


Article: 87778
Subject: Re: FPGA
Date: 1 Aug 2005 05:28:23 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Your question is not very clear. Some more details perhaps ...


Article: 87779
Subject: Re: some virtexII clock pads are useless??
From: "Vladislav Muravin" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 09:04:12 -0400
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

This is strange, because I have just started having the same problem the 
very last Friday.

I have a V2 3000 device, and I am using BUFGMUX, the one located at P7 
location (for this synthesis, I do not lock them). This BUFGMUX guy 
multiplexes between one external and one internal clock. I output all 4 
signals of BUFGMUX on the test pins and I see that when S is '1', the output 
is not equal to I1 input !!!
I verify at least by FPGA Editor that the connections of BUFGMUX are ok.

So, I am going for another board with another FPGA and I will also check 
that the pins are not shorted, but any other suggestions from everybody are 
always welcome.


"lik" <> wrote in message
> For test my fpga clock, I input a clock throuth one of the dedicated
> clock pad, and output it from a general I/O. From the oscillograph, I
> found some clock pads can give the correct signal, and the same clock
> input the other clock pads only have the '1' output.
> p.s. I use the same vhdl code as follows: clkin-->ibufg-->clkout.
> Just differences in assign clock pins.
> Any comments would be appreciated! thank you in advance!

Article: 87780
Subject: Re: struggling with general digital design
From: "vssumesh" <>
Date: 1 Aug 2005 06:11:52 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
There is a good test bench generator called "synapticad". Its ver good.
u can draw your timing diagrams in it and can generate verilog or VHDL
test benches from that. Its available for free trial of 15 days.....

Article: 87781
Subject: Re: About post synthesize
From: "vssumesh" <>
Date: 1 Aug 2005 06:21:05 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I found some verilog code for the XORXY etc. But for one component OBUF
there is a line "GTS = glbl.GTS;" whats this means and model sim XE
version is giving "unresolved symbol" while loading the design. How can
i avoid the error??

Article: 87782
Subject: Re: ChipScope Pro : how to set up trigger
From: "Nenad" <>
Date: 1 Aug 2005 06:29:44 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
i have no idea. i am new in these things as well. try it and see what

Article: 87783
Subject: Re: Doubts on Xilinx FPGA
From: "vssumesh" <>
Date: 1 Aug 2005 06:35:43 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi john...
I tried the first way but it did gave an error. But the second method
did not gave an error but i dont know whether it is initialised
prperly. The set pin is still tied to the ground. Can we assume that
the stet is '1' ?
Sorry for this late replay....
regards Sumesh

Article: 87784
Subject: GNU Linker (MicroBlaze) / debugging problem
Date: 1 Aug 2005 07:05:43 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Is there anyone that knows some "rule of tumb" when creating a
linkerscript? the elffile gives me a good idea on how big the program
will be, but the sizes on the stack- and the heep is only a wild guess
for me.

I have sometimes a hard time debugging the MicroBlaze because the
debugger is somethimes running out of scope, but that happends
somethimes with very big stacks- and heaps too. Is it yust something I
have to live with or might there be something else that I have


Article: 87785
Subject: Re: GNU Linker (MicroBlaze) / debugging problem
From: "Jon Beniston" <>
Date: 1 Aug 2005 07:17:35 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Working out required stack size isn't easy. One way is to build a call
tree (, and then print out the stack
pointer in the leaf functions.


Article: 87786
Subject: Re: About post synthesize
From: "Vladislav Muravin" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 10:38:58 -0400
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hi Sumesh,

As you load your design, make sure you compile also the module called glbl.v 
(it's located in the xilinx libraries).
And when you load the design, load your top module along with glbl module.


"vssumesh" <> wrote in message
>I found some verilog code for the XORXY etc. But for one component OBUF
> there is a line "GTS = glbl.GTS;" whats this means and model sim XE
> version is giving "unresolved symbol" while loading the design. How can
> i avoid the error??
> regards
> Sumesh

Article: 87787
Subject: Re: Best Practices to Manage Complexity in Hardward/Software Design?
From: Jerry Avins <>
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 11:23:47 -0400
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Steve Underwood wrote:
> scott frye wrote:
>> Is there any other reason besides "to support unit testing" to
>> implement from the bottom up?  I was wondering if the people that have
>> problems with TDD might be the people that are used to implementing
>> form the top down.
> Yep. Top down design often produces a module split which looks great at 
> first sight, but doesn't play out too well in practice. It might be 
> clumsy to implement, or it might produce inefficient results. Also top 
> down often produces a split which doesn't match well with existing code, 
> and inhibits reuse of that code. Implementing bottom up makes you aware 
> of these issues at an early stage, while reworking the top down design 
> is still a fairly lightweight task.

I'd like to illuminate that with an example. One project needed to 
control a bunch of switches, implemented as bit-I/O . The top-down plan 
called for the functions (in C usage) on(), off(), and toggle(). It was 
known at planning time that actual outputs would be word wide. The 
bottom-up design immediately turned up a snag. The I/O device's state 
couldn't be read, so an image of its state would need to be kept in 
memory. With the switch bank serving several tasks, that might have 
necessitated the inclusion of an otherwise unneeded semaphore system. 
Discovering that late in a top-down implementation would have meant a 
lot of code rework. (That's all subjunctive because I built hardware to 
avoid the problem. The freedom to do that isn't always to be had.)

Engineering is the art of making what you want from things you can get.

Article: 87788
Subject: Re: Altera Avalon Address format between Master & SDRAM controller?
Date: 1 Aug 2005 09:58:19 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >> wrote:
> Hi there group,
>     I'm implementing a user defined Master interface to the Avalon Bus
> using Altera's Stratix FPGA and read through the documentation on the
> Avalon Bus requirements and the SDRAM controller as a slave, and I'm
> still not quite getting how the SDRAM controller interprets an address
> supplied by a Master peripheral?  The SDRAM has a total of 22 bits (12
> bits row, 8 bits column, & 2 bits bank).  I am provisioning the address
> width on my master to be 32 bits wide of which the top 10 bits are
> stuffed with 0's and the remaining bits are column-row-bank
> respectively.   Is this a correct understanding on how to provide the
> address to the slave peripheral sdram controller?  If not, I'm
> definitely missing something here.
>     Also I suspect this provided address is also de-correlated from the
> address assigned in the SOPC builder configuration wizard?   That if i
> have a Master peripheral talking to multiple slaves at different clock
> cycles within my state machine, how do I specify which slave peripheral
> I am targetting and guarantee that I'm talking to the right one?


It is much easier than you think. With Avalon, your master emits the
address it wants, and that is all there is to it. SDRAM appears as an
addressable range of memory (depending on the size of the SDRAM device
you're interfacing to). There is no need to worry about column-row-bank
business; the SDRAM controller handles that for you.

For your second question, again, you emit the address you want to along
with a read or write signal and that's it; the generated Avalon bus
logic then accesses the appropriate slave peripheral as defined in your
address map.

Jesse Kempa
Altera Corp.
jkempa -at- altera -dot- com

Article: 87789
Subject: Re: Best Practices to Manage Complexity in Hardward/Software Design?
From: "David" <FlyLikeAnEagle@United.Com>
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 17:03:24 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
On Mon, 1 Aug 2005 12:20:14 UTC, Steve Underwood <> wrote:

> scott frye wrote:
> > Is there any other reason besides "to support unit testing" to
> > implement from the bottom up?  I was wondering if the people that have
> > problems with TDD might be the people that are used to implementing
> > form the top down.
> Yep. Top down design often produces a module split which looks great at 
> first sight, but doesn't play out too well in practice. It might be 
> clumsy to implement, or it might produce inefficient results. Also top 
> down often produces a split which doesn't match well with existing code, 
> and inhibits reuse of that code. Implementing bottom up makes you aware 
> of these issues at an early stage, while reworking the top down design 
> is still a fairly lightweight task.
> Regards,
> Steve

  As with most approaches to any problem, the appropriate method should
be used.  Properly mixing the top-down and bottom-up methods to your
needs.  Some problems are best solved by building up a solution, others
by decomposing or structuring the proposed solution, a few rare instances
may even need a middle-out approach if your existing solution base is
the inside (not top or bottom) for the final solution.  Refactoring,
reworking, or whatever is always available to revise an appropriate
solution.  Use the techniques that best fit your needs and design


Article: 87790
Subject: Re: ChipScope Pro : how to set up trigger
From: "pasacco" <>
Date: 1 Aug 2005 10:08:30 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

Yes, actually, I just there are some simulation problems with
post-synthesis simulation in my design :)
Anyway thankyou for introducing good documents and examples.

Article: 87791
Subject: Re: struggling with general digital design
From: "Andy Peters" <>
Date: 1 Aug 2005 10:12:28 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
MM wrote:
> Hi Pavel,
> > Currently I am trying to design a system with ADC -> ISSI RAM ->
> > FFTcore -> ISSI RAM -> DAC.
> What does ISSI stands for?

ISSI is a chip vendor.


Article: 87792
Subject: Re: struggling with general digital design
From: "Andy Peters" <>
Date: 1 Aug 2005 10:15:28 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
vssumesh wrote:
> There is a good test bench generator called "synapticad". Its ver good.
> u can draw your timing diagrams in it and can generate verilog or VHDL
> test benches from that.

As much as I think that Synapticad's timing diagram tool is pretty
neat, I think that test benches generated from timing diagrams are
unmaintainable and not very helpful.

A proper test bench will have bus-functional models of the ADC and DAC
digital interfaces, and a model of the SRAM, all connected to the
device-under-test (the FPGA).

Yes, it takes more work to create these models, but you do it once and
you can use them on all of your designs.


Article: 87793
Subject: Re: Best Practices to Manage Complexity in Hardward/Software Design?
From: Tim Wescott <>
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 10:26:58 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Jerry Avins wrote:
> Steve Underwood wrote:
>> scott frye wrote:
>>> Is there any other reason besides "to support unit testing" to
>>> implement from the bottom up?  I was wondering if the people that have
>>> problems with TDD might be the people that are used to implementing
>>> form the top down.
>> Yep. Top down design often produces a module split which looks great 
>> at first sight, but doesn't play out too well in practice. It might be 
>> clumsy to implement, or it might produce inefficient results. Also top 
>> down often produces a split which doesn't match well with existing 
>> code, and inhibits reuse of that code. Implementing bottom up makes 
>> you aware of these issues at an early stage, while reworking the top 
>> down design is still a fairly lightweight task.
> I'd like to illuminate that with an example. One project needed to 
> control a bunch of switches, implemented as bit-I/O . The top-down plan 
> called for the functions (in C usage) on(), off(), and toggle(). It was 
> known at planning time that actual outputs would be word wide. The 
> bottom-up design immediately turned up a snag. The I/O device's state 
> couldn't be read, so an image of its state would need to be kept in 
> memory. With the switch bank serving several tasks, that might have 
> necessitated the inclusion of an otherwise unneeded semaphore system. 
> Discovering that late in a top-down implementation would have meant a 
> lot of code rework. (That's all subjunctive because I built hardware to 
> avoid the problem. The freedom to do that isn't always to be had.)
> Jerry

If you built the hardware to avoid the problem after it was discovered 
then it's evidence to support bottom-up implementation -- because the 
problem would not have been discovered at the bottom of the software to 
be fixed at an even lower level.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services

Article: 87794
Subject: Bidirectional Bus problem with ModelSim.
From: "Telenochek" <>
Date: 1 Aug 2005 11:10:05 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Hello everyone!
I am having a problem in ModelSim XE 5.8c with a very simple
bidirectional bus.
ModelSim outputs a bunch of XXXX's where its supposed to output data.
I am using test bench waveforms with Xilinx ISE 6.303i.

Basically there are only 3 signals: the bidir. bus, wr_enable and clk.
The idea behind this simple code is:
if WR_EN is HIGH -> store bus data into a flip-flop on next clock edge.

else WR_EN is LOW -> output a constant value on the bus (in practice, I
want to output something more useful, of course.)

Unfortunately, ModelSim outputs X's (don't cares) for every bit where
the data in flip-flop conflicts with the constant.
Let's say that 11110000 was stored in the flip-flop when WR_EN was
And suppose that the constant to put on the bus is 00110000, when WR_EN
goes low.
When WR_EN actually does go low, ModelSim will output XX110000 instead
of 00110000.

I think the problem might be with the way I designed the bus with VHDL.
But I can't figure out where the problem is, and the code is VERY
Any help on this and maybe references to reading materials on
bidirectional/tristate bus implementation in VHDL would be highly

Here is the code:
library IEEE;
ENTITY bidir_bus IS
        bidir   	 : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 DOWNTO 0);
        WR_en, clk : IN STD_LOGIC);
END bidir_bus;
ARCHITECTURE Behavioral OF bidir_bus IS
SIGNAL  a  : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 DOWNTO 0);  -- DFF that stores
                                             -- value from input.
    PROCESS (WR_en, clk)
        IF( WR_en = '1') THEN
            bidir <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
	    IF(clk'EVENT and clk='1') THEN
            a <= bidir;
	    END IF;
	    bidir <= "11110000"; -- simply output a constant on the bus
      -- of course, in practice I would like to
                                 -- output something else.
        END IF;
END Behavioral;

Article: 87795
Subject: Re: struggling with general digital design
From: "Telenochek" <>
Date: 1 Aug 2005 11:43:20 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
> You probably will need a simple state machine to control the data flow. It
> will sit in the idle state waiting for a start condition. As soon as it
> happens it will go into the fill_input_buffer state, etc...
I am trying to design with state machines.
For example there is a master FSM (finite state machine), which
calls slave state-machines along the way, waits for them to end (via
slave-busy signals) etc...
Unfortunately this approach becomes very messy very quickly.

So, I decided to look at the professional code,
such as PicoBlaze soft processor code, and some video application
examples on Xilinx website
and although there are certainly state machines here and there,
it seems that most of the code is kind of .......... architectural.
In other words there are many components and control signals.

I understand the  breakdown into components when somebody else writes
it, and I understand the code, and how everything is connected.
The problem arises when I need to come up with all the control signals
myself, and make sure the dynamics of the system is working ok.

I think thats a digital design problem, rather than a coding problem.
Coding is *relatively* easy when you have a clear design.

Thats why I was wondering how the more experienced folks come up with
their designs.

>Yes, you should start with a block diagram, but the dataflow you mentioned
> is essentially the one.
> 1. Does it have it run continiously or in bursts?
  It bursts, the idea is that much high frequencies can be sampled, by
simply loading all the data into high speed memory. The FFT will then
work on the data in RAM, because its not fast enough to process data in
Once FFT is finished it stores the results in another block of
high-speed RAM.
 The architecture of the FFT core is such that once it unloads the
results, it loses them forever. However, if the results are stored in
RAM, then you can output them continuously (for example to DAC, for
viewing on the scope).
And other blocks (to be added eventually) will be able to access the
if they need to. For example a USB link to PC for data processing could
use them.

Article: 87796
Subject: Xilinx Best Source for Reset
From: "Brad Smallridge" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 12:24:56 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Up to now, I have been doing much of my work with ModelSim and
a BMP file reader and writer.  Most of my VHDL designs have clk
and reset.  I know where to attach the clk but what do I use for
reset.  An external pin? The Done pin?  Or a DCM lock signal?

Brad Smallridge
b r a d @ a i v i s i o n . c o m

Article: 87797
Subject: Spartan3 with WebPack?
From: Chris Carlen <>
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 12:26:56 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

I am reading the FAQ on Spartan3 here:

which says only XC3S50 is supported by WebPack 5.2i.  I realize this is 
an old version (though the one I am still using since I had trouble with 
6.1i).  Now we are at 7.1i, which indicates support for Spartan3 of 
course here:

but doesn't indicate the details about whether it supports larger 
Spartan3 devices or not.

Specifically, I am considering XC3S400.

Does WebPack 7.1i support that or do I need to start spending $$$ ?

Thanks for input.

Good day!

Christopher R. Carlen
Principal Laser/Optical Technologist
Sandia National Laboratories CA USA
NOTE, delete texts: "RemoveThis" and "BOGUS" from email address to reply.

Article: 87798
Subject: Re: Bidirectional Bus problem with ModelSim.
From: "Brad Smallridge" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 12:35:51 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Not sure about your code.  There might be
an issue with the nesting of the if statements and
whether the sensitivity list will allow both "ifs"
to happen at the same time. You might want
to rethink that.

Here is my code that I know works:

 if(reset='1') then
     sram_read_data <= (others => '0');
 elsif(clk'event and clk='1') then
   if(sram_state_2 = sram_state_read ) then
     sram_read_data( 8 downto 0) <= sramdqa;
     sram_read_data(17 downto 9) <= sramdqb;
     sram_data_valid <= '1';
     sram_data_valid <= '0';
   end if;
 end if;
 end process;

 sram_outgoing_data_pipeline:process (clk,reset)
 if(reset='1') then
   sram_write_data_1 <= (others => '0');
   sram_write_data_2 <= (others => '0');
 elsif(clk'event and clk='1') then
   sram_write_data_1 <= sram_write_data_0;
   sram_write_data_2 <= sram_write_data_1;
 end if;
 end process;

 sramdqa <= sram_write_data_2( 8 downto 0) when (sram_w_3 = '0') else 
 sramdqb <= sram_write_data_2(17 downto 9) when (sram_w_3 = '0') else 

Article: 87799
Subject: Modifying opb_bram under EDK
From: praetorian <>
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 13:34:18 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I'm trying to create a customized BRAM module (memory redundancy, 
checkbits) However, the BRAM included in the EDK cannot be simply 
modified (no hdl in the ip core directory). Does anyone know of anyways 
to modify it?

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