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Messages from 90250

Article: 90250
Subject: Re: Xilinx WebPack and command line
From: "Newman" <>
Date: 7 Oct 2005 03:34:19 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
I believe that fe_shell is some synthesis scripting language for FPGA
Express.  Since FPGA Express does not come bundled with ISE Foundation
anymore, I don't think that is something that you want to use.  Xilinx
Synthesis Tool (XST), which comes bundled with Webpack, has a method
that allows command line invocation.  Type xst -help from a command
line prompt for more information.


Article: 90251
Subject: Re: Xilinx WebPack and command line
Date: 7 Oct 2005 04:22:02 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Remis Norvilis wrote:
> I wonder if there is a posibility to do Xilinx fpga synthesis and
> implementation from command line on WindowsXP platform to speed up the
> process.
> Xilinx web site mentioned something, that it's only availabe for CPLDs.
> XESS have an app note on how to use Make file to script and automate build
> process. It needs fe_shell utility, but I don't think it comes with WebPack
> edition.

We have a more recent document that shows how to use makefiles with
WebPACK or ISE.  It does not need fe_shell.  You can see it here:

Article: 90252
Subject: Re: FSM with High load on clock signal
From: "Marco" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 14:25:25 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
"Symon" <> wrote in message 
> "Marco" <> wrote in message 
> news:di5hbd$i0i$
>> Masterclock has a high fanout, about 100.
>> I have replicated 2 times the clock pulse at 1MHz and the state machines 
>> to verify if it could low the fanout.
> Why do you want to lower the fanout? Have you connected the clock pulse at 
> 1MHz to the clock input of any FFs? If you have, this is your mistake. It 
> should only connect to the CE pins. The clock pins of *ALL* your FFs 
> should connect to the 50MHz masterclock.
> Cheers, Syms.

Here the code:
clk_low_pulse is the pulse of freq. 1MHz and goes high for 20ns.

  RX_REGISTER_SYNC_PROC: process ( clk_low_pulse, reset ) is

    if ( reset = '1' ) then
      rx_state <= rx_state_1;
    elsif ( clk_low_pulse'event and clk_low_pulse = '0') then
         rx_state <= rx_next_state;
    end if;

  end process;

  RX_REGISTER_OUTPUT_DECODE: process ( rx_state, clk_low_pulse ) is

    case ( rx_state ) is
      when rx_state_1 =>
    Slave_Select <= '0';
          rx_shift_enable <= '0';
    Rx_Status_En <= '0';
    acq_ack <= '0';
      when rx_state_2 =>
    Slave_Select <= '1';
    rx_shift_enable <= '0';
    Rx_Status_En <= '0';
    acq_ack <= '0';
      when rx_state_3 =>
    Slave_Select <= '0';
          rx_shift_enable <= '0';
    Rx_Status_En <= '0';
    acq_ack <= '0';
      when rx_state_4 =>
    Slave_Select <= '0';
          rx_shift_enable <= '0';
    Rx_Status_En <= '0';
    acq_ack <= '0';
      when rx_state_5 =>
    Slave_Select <= '0';
    rx_shift_enable <= '0';
    Rx_Status_En <= '0';
    acq_ack <= '0';

      when rx_state_6 =>
       Slave_Select <= '0';
          rx_shift_enable <= '0';
    Rx_Status_En <= '0';
    acq_ack <= '0';
      when rx_state_7 =>
    Slave_Select <= '0';
          rx_shift_enable <= '0';
    Rx_Status_En <= '0';
    acq_ack <= '0';
      when rx_state_8 =>
    Slave_Select <= '0';
          rx_shift_enable <= '0';
    Rx_Status_En <= '0';
    acq_ack <= '0';
      when rx_state_9 =>
    Slave_Select <= '0';
          rx_shift_enable <= '1';
    Rx_Status_En <= '1';
    acq_ack <= '0';
    when rx_state_10 =>
    Slave_Select <= '0';
          rx_shift_enable <= '0';
    Rx_Status_En <= '1';
    acq_ack <= clk_low_pulse;
  when others =>

  end case;

  end process;

  RX_REGISTER_NEXT_STATE_DECODE: process ( rx_state, Rx_State_Machine, 
rx_counter_tresh ) is

    rx_next_state <= rx_state;  --default is to stay in current state
    case ( rx_state ) is
      when rx_state_1 =>
    if ( Rx_State_Machine = '1' ) then
    rx_next_state <= rx_state_2;
            rx_next_state <= rx_state_1;
        end if;

  when rx_state_2 =>
          rx_next_state <= rx_state_3;

  when rx_state_3 =>
    rx_next_state <= rx_state_4;

  when rx_state_4 =>
    rx_next_state <= rx_state_5;

  when rx_state_5 =>
    rx_next_state <= rx_state_6;

  when rx_state_6 =>
    rx_next_state <= rx_state_7;

  when rx_state_7 =>
    rx_next_state <= rx_state_8;

  when rx_state_8 =>
    rx_next_state <= rx_state_9;

  when rx_state_9 =>
          if ( rx_counter_tresh = '1' ) then
            rx_next_state <= rx_state_10;
      rx_next_state <= rx_state_9;
    end if;

  when rx_state_10 =>
    rx_next_state <= rx_state_1;

  when others =>
      rx_next_state <= rx_state_1;
    end case;

  end process;

Article: 90253
Subject: Re: Xilinx WebPack and command line
From: Remis Norvilis <>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 07:35:38 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
And then Newman wrote:

> I believe that fe_shell is some synthesis scripting language for FPGA
> Express.  Since FPGA Express does not come bundled with ISE Foundation
> anymore, I don't think that is something that you want to use.  Xilinx
> Synthesis Tool (XST), which comes bundled with Webpack, has a method
> that allows command line invocation.  Type xst -help from a command
> line prompt for more information.
> -Newman

Thanks for replys.
Those of you that used command line built, is there a build speed
improvement and how significant?

Article: 90254
Subject: Re: FSM with High load on clock signal
From: "Symon" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 05:41:29 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
"Marco" <> wrote in message 
> "Symon" <> wrote in message 
> news:43464b2d$0$49020$
>> "Marco" <> wrote in message 
>> news:di5hbd$i0i$
>>> Masterclock has a high fanout, about 100.
>>> I have replicated 2 times the clock pulse at 1MHz and the state machines 
>>> to verify if it could low the fanout.
>> Why do you want to lower the fanout? Have you connected the clock pulse 
>> at 1MHz to the clock input of any FFs? If you have, this is your mistake. 
>> It should only connect to the CE pins. The clock pins of *ALL* your FFs 
>> should connect to the 50MHz masterclock.
>> Cheers, Syms.
> Here the code:
> clk_low_pulse is the pulse of freq. 1MHz and goes high for 20ns.
>  RX_REGISTER_SYNC_PROC: process ( clk_low_pulse, reset ) is
>  begin
>    if ( reset = '1' ) then
>      rx_state <= rx_state_1;
>    elsif ( clk_low_pulse'event and clk_low_pulse = '0') then
>         rx_state <= rx_next_state;
>    end if;
>  end process;
OK, now we're getting somewhere! So, you're using 'clk_low_pulse' as a 
clock. This is bad. Do this instead:-

  RX_REGISTER_SYNC_PROC: process ( clk_50MHz, reset ) is

    if ( reset = '1' ) then
      rx_state <= rx_state_1;
    elsif ( clk_50MHz'event and clk_50MHz= '1') then   --NB rising edge!!
      if clk_low_pulse = '1' then
         rx_state <= rx_next_state;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process;

Does that make it clear? Try drawing a timing diagram of that. You'll see 
that the FFs are all clocked by the 50MHz masterclock. The signal 
'clk_low_pulse' is used as a clock enable, so its delay and skew don't 
matter, provided you meet the set up time of the FFs.

Cheers, Syms.

p.s. Instead of
    elsif ( clk_50MHz'event and clk_50MHz= '1') then
    elsif rising_edge(clk_50MHz) then

It's better for some reason I can't remember but you can find by Googling!

Article: 90255
Subject: Re: Xilinx IMPACT Problem... detects 101 unknown devices
From: "Subhasri krishnan" <>
Date: 7 Oct 2005 05:43:03 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Thanks for the input everyone.The "101 device" problem has been fixed.
It turned out that the voltage on the download cable is too low. should
be 2.8v and above, the design was only 2.5v. Now it is 3.3v.

But there is the error of "impact 583:the idcode read from device
does not match idcode in bsdl file". We think that the TDO's voltage is
too low (3.3v), while the TDO requires TTL > 4v. We are going to try
this tomorrow. But can anyone here think of another reason?


Article: 90256
Subject: Re: Question about metastability that's been on my mind for a while
From: "Raymund Hofmann" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 14:44:22 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
"Michael Chan" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
>I learnt at uni that two flip-flops is generally sufficient for 
>synchronising an asynchronous signal.  But what if the phase of the 
>sampled signal isn't uniformly random?  In particular, how would I deal 
>with synchronising two different clock domains where one clock is the 
>reference of a PLL, and the second clock is the output of that PLL, say 
>8 times faster.  Also, the frequency of the input clock, and 
>consequently the output clock is FM modulated - although the frequency 
>variation is slight.  The frequency of the fast clock is on the order 
>of GHz.  I figure that since the two clocks are related, the chance of 
>metastability is drastically higher.

I guess you are right.
When I construct the case that a Fo FF is sampling the Fref and the 
actual phase is hitting the sampling window permanently giving 
metastable behaviour you get a analog circuit.
You should investigate on the metastable behaviour of the FF's you are 
going to use.

In CMOS a FF is made of transmission gates and a high gain +1 feedback 
amplifier (two inverters).

Usually they don't stay long in a metastable case, but I never checked 
this myself.
You should also be able to google for some coarse numbers.
74' TTL Technologies were reported to eventually stay very long in the 
metastable state.
CMOS is reported not to stay long in such a metastable state.
So if you are sure that the first FF can't stay longer in metastable 
state than Tperiod-Tsu, you are fine.

In a CMOS FF you could avoid the hypothetical persisting metastable 
state by constructing the feedback (of the output stage) with a 
Such a FF should never - by construction - stay in the metastable state, 
only the CK->Q time may be affected.
But the construction of modern CMOS FF's maybe already giving a similar 
The (analog) key is here the loop gain / phase of the two inverters in 
the output stage.

Raymund Hofmann 

Article: 90257
Subject: Re: Actel Libero upgrade - problem with clk pin - Synplify
From: "Marie" <>
Date: 7 Oct 2005 05:47:23 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Thank you, but I already tried.
Now I found a way to solve the problem.
I just created a new project and reimported my vhdl and sch files.  The
only thing I had to do is assign the pins again in Designer but
everything was then ok.  It took less time than continue to look after
the mistake!
Thank you for your help!
See you next time on this group,


Article: 90258
Subject: Re: Xilinx IMPACT Problem... detects 101 unknown devices
From: "Newman" <>
Date: 7 Oct 2005 05:59:32 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Recheck to see if the "Correct" BSDL file is associated with the device
in question.  I've seen after impact gets confused, one has to assign
the BSDL file to the part, exit impact and restart.  Consult Xilinx
answer records for more information.


Article: 90259
Subject: Re: FSM with High load on clock signal
From: "Marco" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 15:01:36 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Trouble Solved!

Many and many thanks!


Article: 90260
Subject: Re: Xilinx PLB IPIF Master
From: Eli Hughes <>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 09:02:17 -0400
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >> wrote:
> Eli Hughes wrote:
>>Has anyone actually gotten the master functionality in the PLB IPIF to
>>work correctly?  I have been making slave peripherals without a problem.
> I have not had much luck with the Xilinx tools for creating
> peripherals.  I tried and failed to use ipif to create a plb master.
> I would just read
> (search for 64bitplbbus.pdf on
> and write it by hand.  This worked great for me.
> Alan Nishioka

Did you have to do anything special such that the module is detected in 
platform studio?  I am assumming that I can just use all the signal 
names in the top-level module that the xilinx module provides when I use 
the wizard and PLatform studio will hook everything up.


Article: 90261
Subject: Re: FPGA behaviour when its used resource is >90% ?
From: Aurelian Lazarut <>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 14:02:27 +0100
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
please send me some design files that you can share, and I'll  take a look

Aurash wrote:

>We are using Xilinx Spartan2E in our platform and so far functioning of
>every logical cores was looking good. Today, I saw some weird behaviour
>after addng additional logic, all of sudden I was missing some signals
>coming out of FPGA and some signals looks different. This additional
>logic does not interfer with the exisitng logic cores.
>I am reaching upper limit of FPGA resource but still I can fit in all
>the logic cores.
>So my question is, by utilizing the FPGA resource around 90%, does the
>behaviour of FPGA logics becomes unpredictible ?
>Any pointers or suggestions in this regard is much appreciated.
>Thank you in advance.

/ /\/\ Aurelian Lazarut
\ \  / System Verification Engineer
/ /  \ Xilinx Ireland
phone:	353 01 4032639
fax:	353 01 4640324

Article: 90262
Subject: Re: Xilinx WebPack and command line
From: "Sandro" <>
Date: 7 Oct 2005 06:14:51 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >> wrote:
> We have a more recent document that shows how to use makefiles with
> WebPACK or ISE.  It does not need fe_shell.  You can see it here:

Maybe that works with ISE 6.x with "projectfile.prj" as ascii file...

any suggest to make it to run with ISE 7.x with "projectfile.ise" as
binary unknown (for me) format file ?


Article: 90263
Subject: Re: Xilinx WebPack and command line
From: "Antti Lukats" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 15:18:36 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
"Sandro" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> wrote:
> > We have a more recent document that shows how to use makefiles with
> > WebPACK or ISE.  It does not need fe_shell.  You can see it here:
> >
> >
> Maybe that works with ISE 6.x with "projectfile.prj" as ascii file...
> any suggest to make it to run with ISE 7.x with "projectfile.ise" as
> binary unknown (for me) format file ?
> Sandro


the .PRJ files are stil plain ascii, no problems with them at all, in 7.1
the .NPL files are no .ISE and binary

there should be no problems running ise tools from commandline (but i havent
used webpack for looooong time)


Article: 90264
Subject: Re: Question about metastability that's been on my mind for a while
From: "Hubble" <>
Date: 7 Oct 2005 06:33:04 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
>Actually, ignore the 8 times multiplication

Still synchronoues and sovable by static timing, as long as the jitter
is not greater as the clock period.

However, there are several methods to pass information between
asynchroneous domains, which will also apply here, assuming not
uniformly distributed asynchroneus domains:

*dual ported rams
*using metastability hardened ffs
*trying to delay into a safe(r) region (if it is not uniformly
distributed, there are safer regions and unsafer regions) - as I
proposed earlier.


Article: 90265
Subject: Re: FPGA behaviour when its used resource is >90% ?
From: Mike Harrison <>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 14:25:03 GMT
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
On Fri, 07 Oct 2005 14:02:27 +0100, Aurelian Lazarut <> wrote:

>please send me some design files that you can share, and I'll  take a look
> wrote:
>>We are using Xilinx Spartan2E in our platform and so far functioning of
>>every logical cores was looking good. Today, I saw some weird behaviour
>>after addng additional logic, all of sudden I was missing some signals
>>coming out of FPGA and some signals looks different. This additional
>>logic does not interfer with the exisitng logic cores.
>>I am reaching upper limit of FPGA resource but still I can fit in all
>>the logic cores.
>>So my question is, by utilizing the FPGA resource around 90%, does the
>>behaviour of FPGA logics becomes unpredictible ?
>>Any pointers or suggestions in this regard is much appreciated.
>>Thank you in advance.

The addition of the new logic may have caused increased routing delays.

Article: 90266
Subject: Re: Virtex4 shift register layout: Horizontal or vertical?
From: Kolja Sulimma <>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 16:44:03 +0200
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >> wrote:
> (Sorry, I can't use the on-chip deserializers;
> they max out at 10 bits, and I need 12.)

How about 6-bit with additional user logic at 1/6 the
input frequency to get to 12 bits?

Kolja Sulimma

Article: 90267
Subject: ISE 7.1i installing issues on Windows XP Pro Sp2.
From: Brijesh <>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 11:13:59 -0400
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

Iam having trouble installing ISE 7.1i on brand new Dell PC. The PC just reboots 
midway through the installation.
The Dell PC came with Windows XP Pro with Service Pack 2.
Tried on 2 Dell PC's both reboot during installation.

No similar issues are reported on Xilinx support site or on this group.

Has anyone had similar experience?
Iam trying to figure out if I should bug Xilinx or Dell ?


Article: 90268
Subject: Re: Question about metastability that's been on my mind for a while
From: "Symon" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 08:15:03 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
"Raymund Hofmann" <> wrote in message 
> CMOS is reported not to stay long in such a metastable state.
> So if you are sure that the first FF can't stay longer in metastable state 
> than Tperiod-Tsu, you are fine.
The whole point is that you can never be sure how long the first FF will 
stay metastable. The maximum time it can take to resolve is infinite.
> In a CMOS FF you could avoid the hypothetical persisting metastable state 
> by constructing the feedback (of the output stage) with a schmitt-trigger.
This doesn't help fix the problem.
> Such a FF should never - by construction - stay in the metastable state, 
> only the CK->Q time may be affected.
This is why the problem isn't fixed by the Schmitt idea. The CK->Q time can 
be anything up to infinite. So, Q can be changing just as the next stage of 
the circuit tries to sample it. A FF in a metastable state doesn't 
necessarily have to have a funny output voltage. It's in a state where it 
hasn't made up its mind what its output should be.
> But the construction of modern CMOS FF's maybe already giving a similar 
> effect.
> The (analog) key is here the loop gain / phase of the two inverters in the 
> output stage.
> Raymund Hofmann
May I suggest you take a look at this?
Cheers, Syms. 

Article: 90269
Subject: 9bit vga with resistors.
From: (mice)
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 11:16:17 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Don't know if it fits here or not, but since I'm using a fpga I guess
it does.

I've got a spartan-3 starter board and got tired of the 8color output
from the standard vga connector.
So I hooked up som E12 series resistors (570, 1200 and 2200) to get
9bits and 512 possible colors (not evenly spread, but cool anyway).

It works pretty ok except for some strange distortions in the images.
The brighter colors fades out beyond the image, leaving a kind of
motion blur (although it's not moving).

And having several white pixels in a row gets the first pixel white
and the rest fades to grey.
Also at the left hand side of the image all of the colors are darker
than on the right hand side.

As you might have guessed, I'm a newbie when it comes to this hw

Bad image quality, but I think you can see what I mean from this

Any help appreciated!

Article: 90270
Subject: re:9bit vga with resistors.
From: (mice)
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 11:16:17 -0500
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Sorry for taking your time (becoming a habit...)

Cut a monitor cable, forgot about grounding the shielding.
Now it's stable.

Looks pretty cool, doesn't it?  :)


Article: 90271
Subject: Re: Xilinx PLB IPIF Master
Date: 7 Oct 2005 09:24:24 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
To create a module in platform studio, you have to create a directory
structure in the project subdirectory pcores/
This includes .pao, .mpd, files in data/ that describe connections.
I copied and modified this from a core that had similar features to
what I wanted.
I was never able to get the wizard to do what I wanted, so I don't have
much experience with it.

Alan Nishioka

Article: 90272
Subject: Re: DDR constraints in Xilinx/UCF, Synplicity?
Date: 7 Oct 2005 10:02:32 -0700
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
Thanks Antti, for both replies. We've already got a board built and
half-running with V4LX100-11's (ordered early, paid big bucks, got
engineering samples).

We had the design running at 360MHz in a V2Pro a few months ago (DCM,
source-synchronous mode, no IDELAY, plus a few LOC constraints), but
I'm still not sure I got the timing constraints right. SynplifyPro
doesn't seem to support hold-time constraints, and Xilinx's UCF syntax
boggles my mind.

UCF doesn't seem to support multiple constraints on a port (like
Synopsys does with set_input_delay -max|-min -add_delay); UCF appears
to overwrite them. (Last one wins, plus some other priority rules they

The 500 MHz was slightly rounded up for clarity in illustration. We
need 360MHz for the current 12-bit A/D converters, and 420/480 if we
move up to 14/16-bit converters.

We hope to put this in an ASIC someday, at which point I'll need
complete timing constraints; it would be great if everybody supported
the same constraint format (like Synopsys .SDC), or if I could find an
English <-> UCF translator...

Thanks again,


Article: 90273
Subject: PowerPC interrupt latency
From: Eli Hughes <>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 13:35:33 -0400
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>

Has anyone here had experience with interrupt latency in a PowerPC block 
  in a VirtexII Pro?   I did a simple experiment where I setup a PowerPC 
core where the critical interrupt input is always raised (just tied it 
to net_vcc in the .mhs file).  I then registered a very simple interrupt 

void MyIrqA(void * arg)

i = MYIP;  // read a generic register on the PLB Bus


with built Xilinx Functions:

XExc_RegisterHandler(XEXC_ID_CRITICAL_INT,    (XExceptionHandler)MyIrqA, 
(void *)0);

and then enabled the interrupt with:


I then monitor a bus read signal for my generic register to see how 
often it occurrs.  The PLB bus and PowerPC is being clocked at 100MHz on 
a Digilent VirtexII Pro development board.

To my surprise, there is almost 10uS between reads!  I know this isn't a 
PLB bus issue, I can do multiple reads in the interrupt route and the 
read pulses are within a few bus cycles of each other.

Is there anythign I can do to help this?  What in the world is Xilinx 
doing in their BSP to save context that takes 10uS with a 100MHz clock 

-Eli Hughes

Article: 90274
Subject: Re: ise (lin64) and debian
From: Adrian Knoth <>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 17:57:24 +0000 (UTC)
Links: << >>  << T >>  << A >>
T. Irmen <tirmen@gmx.net_NO_SPAM> wrote:

> Hi,


> currently we install the rh ws 3.0  into a separate directory ; chroot
> to it and start the software, that works

In general (32bit), ISE, XPS and so on work out of the box under Debian.
I've tested it with Sarge, testing and unstable.

There is no need for installing it under RedHat and later copying
the files. Absolutely not.

Make sure to have installed (apt-get install libmotif3).

Debian comes with libcurl3, (iirc) the installation needs libcurl2.
This is no problem, even without root privileges you can do:

  $ mkdir /tmp/mylibs
  $ ln -s /usr/lib/ /tmp/mylibs/
  $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/mylibs/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  $ # run normal Xilinx setup routine

If you have Acrobat Reader 7.0 for Unix, then life is even easier,
just do:

  $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Reader/intellinux/lib
  $ # run normal Xiling setup routine

as acroread comes with (the path to on your
acroread installation my vary)

I guess this little "trick" has to be done every time you install/upgrade
the Xilinx tools.

(Note: for cable stuff, the following URL might be interesting:)

 Note: if you have root privileges you can get rid of LD_LIBRARY_PATH
 by doing "ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ && ldconfig".

 (I recommend against this as you shouldn't interfear with the package
  management in /usr/lib, use /usr/local/lib/ instead (and add this path
  to /etc/ before running ldconfig))

 In any way, the ABI of may change in the future (Debian is
 changing the distribution compiler), so I suggest getting a real instead (i.e.: use the one which comes with acroread7)

> I think something with the X libraries doesn't work with current
> amd 64 port of debian, ise produces a segmentation fault at startup.
> does anyone have some ideas / suggestions?

I suggest that you try like running OpenOffice under amd64:
use a debian-32bit-chroot (not a RedHat one), i.e. install
ia32-libs, dchroot and so on. For detailed instructions, see
"The Debian GNU/Linux AMD64 HOW-TO".

> BTW: I know that Xilinx says:RH WS3.0 is the ONLY supported distribution. 
> System is dual opteron (2600MHz), 8GB mem, SATA etc... I'd like to use 
> debian for a lot of reasons.... 

I agree. At least they don't check any RH-specific stuff at startup.
If I were Xilinx, I would only support Debian as the most generic
distribution (no proprietary quirks at all, FHS-compliant) and let
other distributors adapt to it. I'd also remove all the cable-stuff
from the installer as this is highly kernel-specific and I guess
almost everyone not using RHWS3.0 has to compile the modules on
his own.

And by the way: X-cut'n'paste doesn't work inside the XPS-editor,
so I use an external one. Fonts for busnames are unreadable
small in the Add/Edit-cores-dialog. I think there is still a lot
to be done for seamless integration under Linux.

mail:	PGP: v2-key via keyserver

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